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Caitriona Rylance

Caitriona Rylance was a Communist Future candidate in Manchester Central constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They received 131 votes.

profile photo of Caitriona Rylance

Caitriona Rylance's policies

Statement to voters

There is something very wrong with our society.

Full statement

Wealth is all around us in this city, we work every day to create it — but that wealth ends up in the hands of a few. The majority of us struggle, meanwhile, to live with any sense of security or prosperity. Many struggle even to cover the basic costs of living.

This is not a city, or a world, built around our needs. It is a city dominated by the interests of landlords, property speculators, and careerist politicians. If we had a genuine choice, is this really how we would want things to be?

This is not just ‘how life is’, it is life under capitalism: a system driven by competitive pursuit of profit, no matter the cost to society or the planet. This brings with it crisis and brutality across the globe, such as the ongoing genocide in Gaza — we support the call for an immediate ceasefire and end to the occupation of Palestine.

The capitalist system has only been around for a few hundred years — it is just one way of organising society. There is an alternative.

Communism is the struggle to go beyond this system by transforming the things we need to live into the shared property of all — creating a real democracy, where everyone’s needs are met and everyone has control over the direction of society. This is the communist future we look towards: a world of collective freedom and fulfilment for all.

With your vote we will use any platform and publicity gained to expose the current system and to openly advance the ideas of communism.

A better world won’t be handed to us by professional politicians. It’s something we must work towards together: in our communities standing up for renter’s rights, in workplaces defending workers’ conditions, in movements opposing militarism and war. Coordinating this work together into a party, with the central goal of transforming the system, is the basis from which we can change this world.

Join with us in building a communist presence in Manchester.

This statement was last updated on July 1, 2024.

This statement was added by Caitriona Rylance, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Party manifesto

Caitriona Rylance was the Communist Future candidate. Find out more about their policies in the Communist Future manifesto.

'Communist Future' emblem

Caitriona Rylance online

Communist Future

Caitriona Rylance's party is Communist Future.

Party Homepage
Communist Future's website
Contact page
Communist Future's contact page

Caitriona Rylance's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Manchester Central: UK Parliamentary general election Communist Future 131 votes (not elected) 9th / 10 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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