Worcestershire local election
Redditch West division
This election will be held on Thursday 1 May 2025.
We don't know of any candidates standing yet. You can help improve this page: add information about candidates to our database.
You should get a "poll card" through the post telling you where to vote.
If you haven't got one, or aren't sure where to vote, you should call Redditch Borough Council on 01527 881421.
elections@bromsgroveandredditch.gov.uk -
️ You will need to take photo ID to vote at a polling station in this election
You do not need your poll card to vote. You must vote at your assigned polling station.
- Read more about voting in Great Britain.
- Read more about photo ID.
Register to vote
You need to be registered in order to vote. If you aren't registered to vote visit https://www.gov.uk/register-to-vote
Register before midnight on 09 April 2025 to vote on 1 May 2025.
Send your postal and proxy vote applications to your local electoral registration team. You can also contact them to find out if you’re on the electoral register, and if you already have a postal or proxy vote.
Town Hall
Walter Stranz Square
B98 8AH
elections@bromsgroveandredditch.gov.uk -
Add future elections in B97 5PJ to your calendar
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- In your calendar app settings, choose the option for adding a new calendar.
- If presented with the option to choose a calendar type, choose web calendar.
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