Sheffield local election
Woodhouse ward
This election was held on Thursday 5 May 2016.
13 candidates stood in the Woodhouse ward.
Dennis Hobson
UK Independence Party (UKIP)
1,022 votes -
John-Daniel Marshall
UK Independence Party (UKIP)
856 votes -
John Francis Grant
Green Party
415 votes -
Andrew George Farkas
Conservative and Unionist Party
389 votes -
Clare Acton
Liberal Democrats
302 votes -
Victoria Jayne Horrocks
Green Party
205 votes -
Sara Charlotte Sivan-Whitehouse
Liberal Democrats
202 votes -
Alan Edward Whitehouse
Liberal Democrats
185 votes -
James Robert Baynton Starky
Green Party
180 votes -
Ian Whitehouse
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition
94 votes
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