York local election
Haxby & Wigginton ward
This election was held on Thursday 2 May 2019.
14 candidates stood in the Haxby & Wigginton ward.
Ballot Papers Issued | 47 |
Roy Watson-Smith
Conservative and Unionist Party
810 votes -
Joe Pattinson
Conservative and Unionist Party
725 votes -
Margaret Anne Young
Conservative and Unionist Party
673 votes -
Tony Richardson
515 votes -
Neil Andrew Charles Wyatt
422 votes -
Jess Dixon
Green Party
284 votes -
Caroline Hind
Labour Party
274 votes -
Lindsay Walter
Labour Party
227 votes -
Albert James Ward
Labour Party
216 votes -
Liz Scurfield
Green Party
200 votes -
David Williams
Green Party
155 votes
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