UK Parliamentary general election
Stoke-on-Trent Central constituency
This election was held on Thursday 4 July 2024.
There are 650 constituencies in the UK, and each elects one Member of Parliament (MP). Learn more about MPs on the UK Parliament website.
A new set of constituency boundaries will be used for the 2024 UK general election. This means that your constituency may have changed. Learn more about the 2024 boundary changes.
8 candidates stood in the Stoke-on-Trent Central constituency.
Electorate | 73,812 |
Ballot Papers Issued | 35,425 |
Spoilt Ballots | 137 |
Turnout | 47% |
Luke Stephen Shenton
Reform UK
8,541 votes -
Chandra Kanneganti
Conservative and Unionist Party
6,221 votes -
Navid Kaleem
2,281 votes -
Adam William Colclough
Green Party
1,703 votes -
Laura McCarthy
Liberal Democrats
999 votes -
Andy Polshaw
315 votes -
AliRom Alirom
279 votes
Stoke-on-Trent Central is a constituency in Staffordshire. It has been represented by Gareth Snell of the Labour Party since 2024. He previously represented the constituency between 2017 and 2019. He succeeded Jo Gideon of the Conservative Party who defeated him in the general election of 2019. She announced in early 2023 that she would not be seeking reelection and accordingly left office at the dissolution of that parliament.
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