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Vectis Party

5 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in England.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Vectis Party", or any of the following names:

  • Vectis Party - Stop over-development
  • Vectis Party - Care for our elderly
  • Vectis Party - Better healthcare now
  • Vectis Party - For the Island
  • Vectis Party - Proud of the Island
  • Vectis Party - Subsidise mainland hospital travel
  • Vectis Party - Protect green fields
  • Vectis Party - For jobs and careers
  • Vectis Party - Care for our environment
  • Vectis Party - Supporting younger Islanders
  • Vectis Party - Local control, local decisions
  • Vectis Party - For Vectis People


  • Encircled diamond with "VECTIS" through the middle.