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Scottish Eco-Federalist Party (SEFP)

2 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in Scotland.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Scottish Eco-Federalist Party (SEFP)", or any of the following names:

  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - Modernise the Union
  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - For Climate Action
  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - Reform the Union
  • Eco-Federalists - Prioritise fighting climate change
  • Eco-Federalists - Reject Independence, Reject Anglocentrism
  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - Sustainable UK
  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - Sustainable Union
  • Eco-Federalists - More Autonomy for Scotland
  • Eco-Federalists - Reject Independence, Reverse Brexit
  • Eco-Federalists - Reject Independence, Reject Labour
  • Scottish Eco-Federalists - Sustainable Federal Model
  • Previous Descriptions

    These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • SEFP - Reject Independence, Reject Current System
    • SEFP - Centre-left, soft-unionist environmentalist party
    • SEFP - Soft-unionist environmentalist party
    • SEFP - Prioritise fighting climate change
    • SEFP - Centre-left, soft-unionist environmentalists
    • SEFP - For a Sustainable Alternative
    • SEFP - Reject Independence, Reject Anglocentrism
    • SEFP - For a Sustainable Federal Model
    • SEFP - For a Third Option
    • SEFP - For a Palatable Compromise
    • SEFP - Soft-unionist environmentalists
    • SEFP - For a Federal Model


  • Emblem 4 Grey
  • Emblem 6 Grey