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British National Party

50 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in England, Scotland, and Wales.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "British National Party", or any of the following names:

  • People like you - Voting BNP
  • British National Party Local People First
  • British National Party - Plaid Genedlaethol Brydeinig
  • Previous Descriptions

    These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • British Jobs for British Workers
    • At the heart of our community
    • Because we can make Britain Better
    • Fighting Unsustainable Housing Because We Care
    • With Adam Walker
    • Because we can make Scotland Better
    • Because we can make Wales better
    • Because the English have rights too


  • BNP emblem 3
  • BNP emblem 1
  • BNP emblem 2