This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in Wales.
Ballot descriptions
This party may appear on the ballot paper as "The Sovereign Party", or any of the following names:
- The Sovereign Party | Plaid Sofren
- The Sovereign Party - Freedom and Rights | Plaid Sofren - Rhyddid A Hawliau
- The Sovereign Party - Freedom and Fairness | Plaid Sofren - Rhyddid A Thegwch
- The Sovereign Party - For Wales | Plaid Sofren - Dros Gymru
- The Sovereign Party - For Freedom | Plaid Sofren - Dros Ryddid
- The Sovereign Party - Freedom not Tyranny | Plaid Sofren - Rhyddid Nid Gormes
Previous Descriptions
These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:
- Welsh Sovereignty From Westminster And EU | Sofraniaeth o Lundain ac o’r UE
- For A Sovereign State Of Wales | Sofraniaeth Lawn i Gymru
- Constitutional Patriot Party Of Wales | Plaid Gyfansoddial Wladgarol Cymru
- Wales Free From Westminster and Brussels | Cymru Rydd o Lundain a Brwsel
- Not Left or Right. Constitutional Patriots | Dim Chwith Dim Dde. Gwladgarwyr Cyfansoddiadol
- Welsh Sovereignty From Westminster And Europe | Sofraniaeth o Lundain ac o Ewrop
- Sovereign Wales | Cymru Sofren
- Britain Our Island, Wales Our Country | Prydain Ein Hynys, Cymru Ein Gwlad
- Not Anti Anyone, Just Pro Wales | Yn Erbyn Neb, Jesd Pro Cymru
- You Are Sovereign, We Are Sovereign | Ry’ch chi’n Sofren, Ry’n ni’n Sofren
- No More lockdowns For Wales | Dim Mwy O Gloi Lawr i Gymru
- A Sovereign Wales In The World | Cymru Sofran Yn Y Byd
Previous Emblems
These emblems are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used: