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Scottish Socialist Party

41 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in Scotland.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Scottish Socialist Party", or any of the following names:

  • Scottish Socialist Party - Save Public Services
  • Scottish Socialist Party - People Not Profit
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Free Public Transport
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Rent Controls Now
  • Scottish Socialist Party - National Care Service
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Independent Socialist Scotland
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Abolish Council tax
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Build Council Houses
  • Scottish Socialist Party - End Fuel Poverty
  • Scottish Socialist Party - Fight All Cuts
  • Previous Descriptions

    These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • Scottish Socialist Party - Save Our Schools
    • Fight the cuts
    • Scrap council tax
    • Free school meals
    • Stop the war
    • Scottish Socialist Party - Save public services
    • Scottish Socialist Party - People not profit
    • Scottish Socialist Party - Free public transport
    • Scottish Socialist Party - Save our services
    • Citizens not subjects
    • Independent Socialist Scotland
    • Scottish Socialist Party-Scotland's Socialist Party


  • Scottish Socialist Party with background star
  • Emblem 3
  • Emblem 1
  • Previous Emblems

    These emblems are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • Struggle Solidarity Socialism logo