This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in England and Wales.
Ballot descriptions
This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Green Party", or any of the following names:
- Green Party | Plaid Werdd
- Green Party first choice candidate | Ymgeisydd dewis cyntaf y Blaid Werdd
- The Green Party candidate | Ymgeisydd y Blaid Werdd
- Green Party third choice candidate | Ymgeisydd trydydd dewis y Blaid Werdd
- Green Party lead candidate | Prif ymgeisydd y Blaid Werdd
- The Green Party | Plaid Werdd
- Green Party Stop Fracking Now
- Green Party candidate | Ymgeisydd Plaid Werdd
- Green Party second choice candidate | Ymgeisydd ail dewis y Blaid Werdd
- Wales Green Party | Plaid Werdd Cymru
- Green Party Councillor | Cynghorydd Plaid Werdd
- Green Party - Save Our Green Space | Plaid Werdd - Achubwch Ein Mannau Gwyrdd
- Plaid Cymru, Green Party, Common Ground (Joint description with Plaid Cymru - The Party of Wales) | Plaid Cymru, Plaid Werdd, Tir Cyffredin
Previous Descriptions
These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:
- Ecology Party | Plaid Ecoleg