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Scottish Family Party

160 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in England, Scotland, and Wales.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "Scottish Family Party", or any of the following names:

  • Scottish Family Party - Challenging Political Correctness
  • Scottish Family Party - Fearlessly Speaking Truth
  • Scottish Family Party - a New Voice
  • Scottish Family Party - Standing for Life
  • Scottish Family Party - challenging the consensus
  • Scottish Family Party - breaking the mould
  • Scottish Family Party - a different perspective
  • Scottish Family Party - speaking the truth
  • Scottish Family Party - Putting Families First
  • Scottish Family Party - Defending Traditional Values
  • Scottish Family Party - Promoting Traditional Values
  • Scottish Family Party: Pro-Family, Pro-Marriage, Pro-Life


  • Family Logo BW