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UK Independence Party (UKIP)

51 candidates in our database.

This party is on the Northern Ireland register.

Ballot descriptions

This party may appear on the ballot paper as "UK Independence Party (UKIP)", or any of the following names:

  • United Kingdom Independence Party
  • UKIP
  • UKIP - Save the Union
  • UK Independence Party
  • UKIP - Scrap Stormont
  • UKIP - Say No to the protocol
  • UKIP - Small Government - Less Intrusion
  • UKIP - NO to Illegal Immigration
  • UKIP - People not Politics
  • UKIP - Protect Free Speech
  • UKIP - Standing Against Cancel Culture
  • Previous Descriptions

    These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • UKIP Northern Ireland
    • UKIP - UK Unionists
    • UKIP - For The Union
    • UKIP - Unionists For Brexit
    • UKIP - Save Britain
    • UKIP - Save my Gas Boiler


  • A circle containing a pound sterling sign
  • Previous Emblems

    These emblems are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:

    • A pound sterling sign with the letters UKIP through the middle