This party is on the Great Britain register and is registered to stand candidates in England, Scotland, and Wales.
Ballot descriptions
This party may appear on the ballot paper as "UK Independence Party (UKIP)", or any of the following names:
- UK Independence Party (UKIP) | Plaid Annibyniaeth y DU (UKIP)
- United Kingdom Independence Party
- UK Independence Party | Plaid Annibyniaeth y DU
- UKIP - Scrap Holyrood
- UKIP - Save the Union
- UKIP - Scrap the Senedd
- UKIP - People not Politics
- UKIP - Small Government - Less Intrusion
- UKIP - Protect Free Speech
- UKIP - Standing Against Cancel Culture
- UKIP - NO to Illegal Immigration
- Patriots Alliance - English Democrats and UKIP (Joint Description with English Democrats)
Previous Descriptions
These descriptions are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used:
- UKIP - Scrap HS2
- Say no to European Union
- UK Independence Party Wales | Plaid Annibyniaeth y DU Cymru
- UKIP Wales | UKIP Cymru
- UK Independence Party Scotland
- UKIP Scotland
- UK Independence Party (UKIP)
- Say no to Tax Rises
- UKIP Make Brexit Happen
- UKIP Scrap The Senedd
- UKIP Scrap The Assembly/Senedd
- UKIP Save Britain
- UKIP - NO to SNP
- UKIP - Get rid of Holyrood
- UKIP - Say NO to Net Zero
- UKIP - Save Britain
- UKIP - Save my Gas Boiler
- UKIP - Referendum on Immigration
Previous Emblems
These emblems are no longer registered with the Electoral Commission and cannot be used: