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Alison Valda Webster

Alison Valda Webster was a Tunbridge Wells Alliance candidate in Rural Tunbridge Wells in the Tunbridge Wells local election. They received 786 votes.

profile photo of Alison Valda Webster

Alison Valda Webster's policies

Statement to voters

Alison has lived in Goudhurst for over 20 years with her children and grandchildren being educated here, she works at Tunbridge Wells Hospital as a Care Support worker.

Full statement

During lockdown she trained as a vaccinator and worked at Headcorn Aerodrome, vaccinating up to 250 people a day.

She is Secretary of the popular Goudhurst Ex Servicemen’s Club and a Parish councillor sitting on Planning, Amenities, Business and Communications, Highways and Youth and Housing.

When the Ukrainian war started she had guests and, with a friend, set up the Goudhurst For Ukraine support group which is still going strong today.

Lately Alison has worked on the Goudhurst Warm Spaces initiative with local businesses, providing a Warm Space 6 days out of 7. She is a social member at Lamberhurst Golf Club a very bad Golfer, helps at Lower Ladysden Farm and is very interested in the Special Needs education system having fought to get her son and granddaughter an EHCP.

“Becoming an Alliance Borough Councillor, supporting Cllr David Knight, will be a fantastic achievement for me, I love the fact that the Alliance is free from the influences of National Politics and can do what is best for our own area.I will work very hard to help local people.”

( taken from )

This statement was last updated on May 5, 2023.

This statement was added by Alison Valda Webster, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Alison Valda Webster online

The party's candidate page for this person

Alison Valda Webster's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Rural Tunbridge Wells: Tunbridge Wells local election Tunbridge Wells Alliance 786 votes (not elected) 5th / 14 candidates
2023 Goudhurst and Lamberhurst: Tunbridge Wells local election Tunbridge Wells Alliance 520 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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