Isobel Doubleday
Isobel Doubleday is a Green Party candidate in Maldon North in the Maldon local by-election.

Isobel Doubleday's policies
Statement to voters
In my career as a primary school teacher I have used my life-long interest in the environment to engage the enthusiasm of children to help them learn. I am a mother and a grandmother and have lived and worked in and around the Maldon area for 50 years. I value being closely involved with my local community and am increasingly aware of the effects of Government's lack of long-term planning.
This statement was last updated on June 3, 2024.
This statement was added by Isobel Doubleday, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Isobel Doubleday online
About Isobel Doubleday
Favourite Biscuit
Anything homemade
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2025 | Maldon North: Maldon local by-election | Green Party | (Results due after 27 March 2025) | Position not available |
2024 | Maldon: UK Parliamentary general election | Green Party | 2,300 votes (not elected) | 5th / 5 candidates |
2023 | Great Totham: Maldon local election | Green Party | 243 votes (not elected) | 5th / 6 candidates |
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