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John Tizard

John Tizard was the Labour and Co-operative Party candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire. They were elected with 40,738 votes.

profile photo of John Tizard

John Tizard's policies

Statement to voters

I live in Bedfordshire and experience and understand residents’ concerns.

Full statement

I was a leading county councillor for eighteen years and served on the former Bedfordshire Authority.

I have significant leadership experience in business, charities, and the public sector.

I have what is required to take on this serious job.

I regard this a full-time role requiring a focus on the interests of our communities, not self-promotion.

My missions for Bedfordshire Police –

restore effective community policing - working for, in and with communities in every neighbourhood and village - tackling anti-social behaviour and other crimes - significantly reduce crime against women and children

tackling domestic abuse and all forms of violence - partnerships with women’s groups and councils - specialist police teams - focus resources on serious crime

cyber-crime and fraud - knife crime including introducing youth hubs - drug crime - modern day slavery and trafficking - hate crime - rural crimes and wildlife crime - invest in prevention and tackling the causes of crime

partnerships with councils and the NHS - community engagement - ensure an outstanding police service

clear strategies and targets - high performance and value for money - effective and efficient offering value for money - listening and responding and engaging residents and businesses

As the PCC I would specifically - be supportive of the police but always be the voice of the community - be strategic not operational - hold the Chief Constable to account on behalf the people of Bedfordshire - listen and engage with residents, businesses and communities - show leadership across the Bedfordshire criminal justice system - be a fearless advocate for Bedfordshire to national government - work in partnership with a Labour Home Secretary - make the case for more funding

Prepared by Russell Cartwright of 3 Union St, Luton, on behalf of John Tizard

This statement was last updated on April 19, 2024.

This statement was added by John Tizard, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

John Tizard online

About John Tizard


John Tizard is a Labour Party politician who was elected Bedfordshire Police and Crime Commissioner in the 2024 election.

Read more on Wikipedia

John Tizard's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Bedfordshire Police: Police and Crime Commissioner for Bedfordshire Labour and Co-operative Party 40,738 votes (elected) 1st / 4 candidates
2023 Shefford: Central Bedfordshire local election Labour Party 747 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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