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Fizza Askari

Fizza Askari was the One Leicester candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire. They received 7,104 votes.

profile photo of Fizza Askari

Fizza Askari's policies

Statement to voters

I’m Fizza Askari and I am standing for One Leicester to be your next Police & Crime Commissioner.

Full statement

For far too long, political priorities have been more important than fighting for resources to effectively keep our communities safe in Leicestershire.

We deserve better.

It’s time we send a message to the major political parties.

Enough is enough.

I’m proud to be One Leicester’s first candidate and to have a platform that voices the concerns of local people. We know from the events of the last few years that both Labour and the Conservatives do not listen.

I believe the people of Leicester, Leicestershire & Rutland should have a say in how their communities are policed and that’s why I’m standing.

As your next Police & Crime Commissioner I pledge to:

1. Have more police officers on the beat to help make our streets safe again

2. Rebuild community relations with the police based on mutual respect and understanding

3. Fight for more resources for crime prevention and increase Neighbourhood Watch schemes

4. Advocate for diverse representation within our police force

5. Improve transparency and accountability of policing in Leicestershire

We now have an opportunity to change our communities on Thursday 2nd May and I hope you will join me in taking a stand for local people.

Vote ONE LEICESTER, Vote ASKARI on Thursday 2nd May.

Prepared by Rita Patel, on behalf of Fizza Askari, both at 25 Heybridge Road, LE5 0AP.

This statement was last updated on April 19, 2024.

This statement was added by Fizza Askari, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Fizza Askari online

Fizza Askari's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Leicestershire Police: Police and Crime Commissioner for Leicestershire One Leicester 7,104 votes (not elected) 5th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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