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Gary Nicholas Shacklady

Gary Nicholas Shacklady was a Green Party candidate in Shinfield in the Wokingham local by-election. They received 73 votes.

profile photo of Gary Nicholas Shacklady

Gary Nicholas Shacklady's policies

Statement to voters

I grew up in Lower Earley, was educated in this constituency and have lived in Woodley for the past 14 years.

Full statement

I have two young sons whose future is my motivation for standing for election. In 2007, I established Catcliffe Way Cricket Club, a community club in Lower Earley. I grew it and it became Earley Cricket Club, which has provided opportunity for hundreds of people to meet others, keep active and build life-long friendships. I have been a primary school teacher for the past 15 years and I work in a state primary school in Woodley. I see our society every day. Increasingly, I see the impacts of economic hardship, not just on our families with the lowest income. Everyone deserves better than they are getting. I talk to people across our broad and diverse constituency and they all tell me that Green policies would make their world better. People in Shinfield have told me they want cleaner rivers. People in Whitley have told me they want insulated homes. People in Earley have told me they want more renewable energy. People in Woodley have told me they want proportional representation, so every vote counts and every voter is heard. People across our constituency have told me they want change. They don't trust the Conservatives and feel Labour are just more of the same. They want a government which prioritises the future for all. The Green Party is the fastest-growing party in the country and the only one trying to make positive, long-lasting change. My life is very much centred in Earley and Woodley and I am standing to make the changes for everyone in our constituency and beyond to have the best future possible.

This statement was last updated on June 8, 2024.

This statement was added by Gary Nicholas Shacklady, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Gary Nicholas Shacklady online

About Gary Nicholas Shacklady

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Gary Nicholas Shacklady's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Shinfield: Wokingham local by-election Green Party 73 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2024 Earley and Woodley: UK Parliamentary general election Green Party 3,418 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2024 Bulmershe & Coronation: Wokingham local election Green Party 542 votes (not elected) 8th / 10 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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