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Kathryn Fisher

Kathryn Fisher is a Green Party candidate in Histon & Impington in the Cambridgeshire local election.

profile photo of Kathryn Fisher

Kathryn Fisher's policies

Statement to voters

At 29 I am young for a political candidate.

Full statement

I hope to make my voice heard for young people in this country who have been continuously let down by the past 14 years of Tory rule. In my lifetime, inequality has increased, hate crime has risen and the gender pay gap has stagnated. The Tory rhetoric I grew up surrounded by; ‘hard work equals success’, is a lie. The Green Party, in contrast, understands that we are not born equal and that there are deeply entrenched systems in place that ensure this stays that way. I am standing to be a voice for change, to break down these systems, in order that everyone in this country benefits.

I am deeply connected to Cambridgeshire; I was born in Addenbrookes, studied at Impington Village College, Hills Road Sixth Form and Cambridge University, before working locally as a landscape designer. During the pandemic I volunteered as the coordinator for Cambridge Community Kitchen, which served 300+ people hot meals 3 times a week. Cambridgeshire is the most unequal place in the UK. I believe we should make all new development sustainable, prioritise the construction of high-quality social housing and invest in services for existing communities. It is imperative that all housing developments should positively impact the residents around them and the landscapes they sit within.

I am a proud feminist and will always advocate for women’s autonomy over their own bodies. I am an LGBTQAI+ ally and am especially passionate about protecting the trans community against violence. I will fight for the rights of minorities and those who suffer under discrimination. I am an antiracist and continue to educate myself around racial discrimination. I stay informed on difficulties facing the disabled community and care greatly about accessibility. I oppose the genocide of the Palestinian population and echo the Green Party's cries for an immediate ceasefire and end to arms sales to Israel.

Vote Green and bring a new positive energy to the political landscape; real hope and real change!

This statement was last updated on Sept. 28, 2024.

This statement was added by Kathryn Fisher, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Kathryn Fisher online

About Kathryn Fisher

Favourite Biscuit

Bourbon (or a rich tea dunked in tea)

Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party

Kathryn Fisher's local party is the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party.

Party Homepage
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party's website
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party's email
Contact page
Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Green Party's contact page

Kathryn Fisher's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Histon & Impington: Cambridgeshire local election Green Party (Results due after 01 May 2025) Position not available
2024 Histon & Impington: South Cambridgeshire local by-election Green Party 420 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2024 St Neots and Mid Cambridgeshire: UK Parliamentary general election Green Party 2,663 votes (not elected) 6th / 7 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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