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William Mason

William Mason is a Labour Party candidate in Histon & Impington in the South Cambridgeshire local by-election.

profile photo of William Mason

William Mason's policies

Statement to voters

I live in the ward in Orchard Park and teach at a local Village College.

Full statement

I’d like to be a councillor to help our area be the best it can be, my immediate priorities as a councillor would be:

More affordable homes. Like many younger people, I live in a shared house. Having my own home seems way out of reach. I’m dismayed that South Cambs Council falls well short of its own policy on affordable housing. It’s time to change that!

Tackle antisocial behaviour. I want to see the Community Safety Partnership rebooted. I support local activity provision such as a pump track. And as a councillor, I’d lobby to bring back a regular bobby on the beat.

Public transport run for the public good. Local bus services are struggling. I’m so pleased that we’re moving to bus franchising in Cambridgeshire. Meaning we can take back control of our buses with the routes, timetables and fares that we need. I’ll help put the community’s voice at the heart of the plans.

What I’ll bring as a councillor:

Experience of service and speaking up for others. I’m a workplace rep for my Trades Union. And, as a teacher, my life revolves around public service.

Team spirit. I play for Cantabrigian Rugby Football Club. I know that we can achieve so much more when we all pull together.

Change and more balance in the team. South Cambs district council is 80% Lib Dem. Many residents tell me they’d like to see a broader range of views.

On 24 October you have the chance to make a change. Please vote for me, Will Mason.

This statement was last updated on Sept. 27, 2024.

This statement was added by William Mason, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

William Mason online

William Mason's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Histon & Impington: South Cambridgeshire local by-election Labour Party (Results due after 24 October 2024) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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