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Peter Gordon Campbell

Peter Gordon Campbell is a Green Party candidate in Herne & Broomfield in the Canterbury local by-election.

profile photo of Peter Gordon Campbell

Peter Gordon Campbell's policies

Statement to voters

I have lived in Sturry Village for over seven years, having moved here from South London.

Full statement

I live with my wife, Alison, and three cats, and we currently host Natalia and Diana, two refugees from Ukraine.

I am retired from full-time, paid employment but I work extensively on a voluntary basis for a number of organisations, including the Samaritans, the local residents' association, a local semi-professional football club and the Canterbury District Green Party. My focus in each area is to improve the community in which we live, recognising that a number of small, positive changes can make the world of difference.

If elected to Canterbury City Council as the representative of Herne and Broomfield my priorities would be firstly to serve the residents and businesses of the ward, in the same way that the other three Green Party councillors have supported their constituents in Whitstable, Swalecliffe and Herne Bay – by seeking the views of locals, listening, responding to their concerns and taking action on the issues that affect people.

My second priority would be to hold the current Labour/Liberal Democrat-run Council to account. This council was elected in May 2023 and we have seen little progressive change from the previous Conservative-run administration.

While other parties' candidates make promises about the environment, public transport and housing, it is rarely followed up with positive action, whatever the shade of the council. Broomfield has seen a 50% reduction in its bus service, while fares have increased by 50% - all of this from a Council that has a 'Bus-Led Transport Strategy'! Despite promises about reducing sewage discharges, we have seen little change on the Kent Coast. And the revised Draft Local Plan will actually deliver more large, luxury housing developments aimed at families from outside the area and do NOTHING for renters, or younger people trying to get on the housing ladder. The Green Party wants to be building the right homes for local people, in the right place, with more affordable housing.

The Green Party councillors on Canterbury City Council have been the only progressive voices on the Council and this by-election is the opportunity to add further weight to this.

This statement was last updated on Feb. 25, 2025.

This statement was added by Peter Gordon Campbell, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

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Peter Gordon Campbell's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Herne & Broomfield: Canterbury local by-election Green Party (Results due after 06 March 2025) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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