Roderick George Hebden
Roderick George Hebden is a Green Party candidate in Rodbourne Cheney in the Swindon local by-election.
Roderick George Hebden's policies
Statement to voters
Rod lives and works in Swindon and has brought up his children here. He is well known locally for supporting local causes, successfully fighting the council's plan to mothball the Museum and Art Gallery, and for creating the annual Festival of Tomorrow. As your MP, Rod will be Swindon's greatest champion in Westminster, working tirelessly to make Swindon a great place to live, work and raise a family, whilst driving the new government to create a fairer, greener country.
This statement was added by Roderick George Hebden, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
Roderick George Hebden online
- RodGreenSwindon
- rodhebden4swindonsouth
- The party's candidate page for this person
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local by-election | Green Party | (Results due after 17 October 2024) | Position not available |
2024 | Swindon South: UK Parliamentary general election | Green Party | 2,539 votes (not elected) | 4th / 6 candidates |
2024 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local election | Green Party | 231 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
2023 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local election | Green Party | 190 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 4 candidates |
2022 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local election | Green Party | 197 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 3 candidates |
2021 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local election | Green Party | 222 votes (not elected) | 3rd / 5 candidates |
2018 | Rodbourne Cheney: Swindon local election | Green Party | 138 votes (not elected) | 4th / 5 candidates |
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