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Michael Newton

Michael Newton was a Green Party candidate in Weetslade in the North Tyneside Council. They received 614 votes.

profile photo of Michael Newton

Michael Newton's policies

Statement to voters

I am a lifelong environmentalist whose principles have aligned closer and closer to those of the Green Party as I have grown older.

Full statement

Becoming a father has really reminded me of my responsibilities to other people and their environment too. I firmly believe that I must act as an example to others for making positive change.

As a pharmacist I am continuously involved in improving public health and acting for others in the first instance. I have applied this same operating procedure to my political life also. The injustices of modern British life are a sin and I have always been passionately involved with various homelessness charities to try to make a difference. I want to live in a society that is a little kinder, a little fairer and a little cleaner every day, and will work tirelessly towards that end.

This statement was last updated on April 8, 2024.

This statement was added by Michael Newton, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

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Michael Newton's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Weetslade: North Tyneside Council Green Party 614 votes (not elected) 6th / 6 candidates
2023 Chirton: North Tyneside Council Green Party 145 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2022 Camperdown: North Tyneside Council by-election Green Party 58 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2019 Monkseaton South: North Tyneside Council Green Party 267 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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