David Dickason
David Dickason was the English Democrats candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire. They received 7,739 votes.

David Dickason's policies
Statement to voters
Are you going to vote for someone who represents your interests or are you going to vote for someone who represents the interests of their Party ? I’m David Dickason a retired senior police officer , following retirement I was the director of a homeless charity for five years.
Full statement
I am passionate about England and preserving our culture, I also feel that it is vital to protect our countryside, rural communities and our farming. I am an animal lover and chair a National Charity which provides grants to parrot conversation projects worldwide.
My ethos is integrity and transparency . I will not be undertaking any paid employment and will devote my time if elected to serving the constituency and performing my duty as your Member of Parliament.
Promises are made by parties and their candidates to secure your votes and then ignored.
I pledge that if elected, I will create a scrutiny panel of volunteers from across the constituency to hold me accountable as a Member of Parliament.
The panel will consist of a wide representation of residents, farmers, and other businesses, etc.
I will likely be the only candidate in the country taking democracy to the next level, truly representing the constituents.
Take a close look at the parties and the issues which they haven’t revealed within their manifestos
Cashless society Mandating digital identity Signing the WHO pandemic treaty Committing us to war. Geo engineering. More illegal immigrants, with even one party considering allowing them to vote!
Is this election going to be simply a case of merely handing over the baton?
The English Democrats are the only party standing in this election who want to deport all illegal immigrants , unlike another party we do not want to maintain the number that are here with a one in one out policy. Just stopping the boats will not deal with illegal immigration and the burden this places on society.
Vote for a leader for a change
Prepared by the candidate for and on behalf of himself of Quires Green , Ongar, Essex CM5 0QP
This statement was last updated on June 14, 2024.
This statement was added by David Dickason, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.
David Dickason online
- The party's candidate page for this person
- https://www.englishdemocrats.party/boston_and_skegness
Date | Election | Party | Results | Position |
2024 | Boston and Skegness: UK Parliamentary general election | English Democrats | 518 votes (not elected) | 6th / 7 candidates |
2024 | Lincolnshire Police: Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire | English Democrats | 7,739 votes (not elected) | 5th / 5 candidates |
2023 | Old Leake and Wrangle: Boston local election | English Democrats | 75 votes (not elected) | 7th / 8 candidates |
Recent leaflets from David Dickason
Uploaded 1 Jul 2024
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