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Lawrence James Murray Coomber

Lawrence James Murray Coomber was a Labour Party candidate in Herne & Broomfield in the Canterbury local by-election. They received 196 votes.

profile photo of Lawrence James Murray Coomber

Lawrence James Murray Coomber's policies

Statement to voters

I'm Lawrence Coomber.

Full statement

I've lived in Herne and Broomfield my entire life. I've grown up here, and understand the area better than anyone who is coming from outside. Our roads are in a dire state, and I will fight to make reporting potholes easier and for better quality and more durable materials.

I have a real passion for housing, it's a top priority for me. It's a disgrace that anyone locally lives rough and I will campaign tirelessly to make sure all those who are homeless are housed and supported until they can stand on their own two feet again.

Alongside this, I face the stark reality that as a young graduate, I will not be able to afford to live in the village where I grew up - unless real change happens. This means new houses, redevelopments, and a greater regeneration for the whole of Herne Bay, including Herne and Broomfield.

However I understand that new homes cannot come without the infrastructure to support them. I will campaign for new schools, expanded utilities and job opportunities alongside any expansion in housing, lest it be unsustainable.

As a young person there is no doubt that I am deeply worried for the environment. Whether the rest of the world follows or not, it should be a basic duty for our water treatments companies to be held to account and our waste disposal to have the greatest level of recycling possible. I'll campaign not only for recycling but less plastic use in products to begin with, reservoir building where necessary to prevent sewage dumping in the area, and biodiversity initiatives in our local green spaces to restore the ecosystems that support them.

I can only act on any of these with your support and vote. I will work tirelessly to see these aims achieved, elected or not, but as your councillor I will be able to work from the inside and be accountable to your demands.

Please lend me your vote for Herne and Broomfield on the 6th March. Thank you.

This statement was last updated on Feb. 14, 2025.

This statement was added by Lawrence James Murray Coomber, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Lawrence James Murray Coomber online

The party's candidate page for this person

Southampton & Romsey Labour

Lawrence James Murray Coomber's local party is Southampton & Romsey Labour.

Party Homepage
Southampton & Romsey Labour's website
Youtube page
Southampton & Romsey Labour's Youtube profile

Lawrence James Murray Coomber's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2025 Herne & Broomfield: Canterbury local by-election Labour Party 196 votes (not elected) 3rd / 5 candidates
2024 Bassett: Southampton local election Labour Party 485 votes (not elected) 3rd / 6 candidates
2023 Bassett: Southampton local election Labour Party 482 votes (not elected) 7th / 10 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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