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David Angus Fairbairn

David Angus Fairbairn was a Liberal Democrats candidate in Town Close in the Norwich local election. They received 188 votes.

profile photo of David Angus Fairbairn

David Angus Fairbairn's policies

Statement to voters

I retired recently from working as a laboratory technician at the Quadram Institute Bioscience.

Full statement

This has given me the free time to become more involved in community concerns. I have lived at my present address, in the ward, for over 25 years and have formerly been a City Councillor.

Traffic congestion and parking problems are a big concern for me. I think much more use could be made of the Park and Ride service so that it becomes commonplace to get a bus into the city.

There also needs to be a way to mitigate the impact of student houses in Nelson, as overflowing letter boxes and bins left in the street are upsetting for long term residents.

It annoys me when contractors dig a hole in the pavement, put barriers round it, then nothing gets done for days or weeks to finish the job, as has happened many times locally. Such disruption must be minimised.

This statement was last updated on April 7, 2023.

This statement was added by David Angus Fairbairn, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

David Angus Fairbairn online

The party's candidate page for this person

David Angus Fairbairn's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Town Close: Norwich local election Liberal Democrats 188 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2023 Nelson: Norwich local election Liberal Democrats 164 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2021 Henstead: Norfolk local election Liberal Democrats 1,044 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
2019 Lakenham: Norwich local election Liberal Democrats 532 votes (not elected) 5th / 10 candidates
2018 Nelson: Norwich local election Liberal Democrats 185 votes (not elected) 4th / 4 candidates
2017 Nelson: Norfolk County Council local election Liberal Democrats Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
2016 Nelson: Norwich local election Liberal Democrats Not elected (vote count not available) Position not available
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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