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Cat Smith

Cat Smith was a Labour Party candidate in Lancaster and Wyre constituency in the UK Parliamentary general election. They were elected with 19,315 votes.

profile photo of Cat Smith

Cat Smith's policies

Statement to voters

Cat has been the Labour MP for Lancaster and Fleetwood since 2015 and is lucky enough to live in this beautiful part of Lancashire with her young son. Cat has been an active local MP campaigning for and securing funding for flood defences after Storm Desmond, speaking out against fracking in Lancashire, and championing schools including small and rural schools. She meets regularly with local businesses and individuals frequently taking up issues on their behalf with Government ministers as well as holding regular 'Chats with Cat' in villages and street surgeries in the urban parts of this diverse constituency.

This statement was last updated on May 31, 2024.

This statement was added by Cat Smith, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

Record in office

See this candidate's record on TheyWorkForYou - their speeches, voting history and more

Cat Smith online

The party's candidate page for this person

Cat Smith's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Lancaster and Wyre: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 19,315 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2019 Lancaster and Fleetwood: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 21,184 votes (elected) 1st / 5 candidates
2017 Lancaster and Fleetwood: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 25,342 votes (elected) 1st / 4 candidates
2015 Lancaster and Fleetwood: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 17,643 votes (elected) 1st / 6 candidates
2010 Wyre and Preston North: UK Parliamentary general election Labour Party 10,932 votes (not elected) 3rd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

Recent leaflets from Cat Smith

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