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David Thomas

David Thomas was a Green Party candidate in Blackbird Leys in the Oxford local election. They received 43 votes.

profile photo of David Thomas

David Thomas's policies

Statement to voters

David lives in Littlemore with his two daughters.

Full statement

He works as a water engineer for the employee-owned consultancy Mott MacDonald, focusing on the upgrade of large treatment plants in the UK, and helping bring clean water and sanitation to low-income urban areas in developing countries.

He was elected as a Green Party councillor in 2014, and became the leader of the Oxford City Green Group in 2017. During his time as a councillor he has focused on tackling low pay, homelessness, rough sleeping, food poverty, air quality, social inequality, and the viability of local businesses.

For several months in 2010 David found himself homeless. He was fortunate in finding a room in a hostel on Cowley Road. This experience formed the basis of David's tireless campaigning to fight for the rights and the dignity of the homeless.

David has the independence, drive and empathy to speak up for those without a voice, and the strength and experience to hold the city's ruling Labour Group to account. "With the Labour-run council dragging its feet on solving St Clement's shocking air pollution problems, and steamrolling through unpopular plans to sell off half the East Oxford Community Centre site, St Clement's needs Green Party representation now more than ever," he says.

His main priorities are:

Ending the homelessness crisis Introducing fairer rents Tackling air pollution Saving local community facilities Protecting the environment

This statement was last updated on Feb. 4, 2023.

This statement was added by David Thomas, their team, or by a Democracy Club volunteer, based on information published by the candidate elsewhere.

David Thomas online

The party's candidate page for this person

Oxford City Green Party

David Thomas's local party is the Oxford City Green Party.

Party Homepage
Oxford City Green Party's website
Oxford City Green Party's email
Youtube page
Oxford City Green Party's Youtube profile

David Thomas's elections

Date Election Party Results Position
2024 Blackbird Leys: Oxford local election Green Party 43 votes (not elected) 8th / 10 candidates
2023 Littlemore: Oxford local by-election Green Party 65 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2023 Rose Hill and Littlemore: Oxfordshire local by-election Green Party 120 votes (not elected) 4th / 6 candidates
2022 Littlemore: Oxford local election Green Party 106 votes (not elected) 4th / 5 candidates
2021 Littlemore: Oxford local election Green Party 179 votes (not elected) 6th / 8 candidates
2018 St Clement's: Oxford local election Green Party 479 votes (not elected) 2nd / 4 candidates
Please note our local elections database only goes back to 2016.

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