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Your area

This page lists all the parts of government that look after your area. Each of these organisations have different responsibilities and representatives.

Bethnal Green and Stepney parliamentary constituency

Member of Parliament

Members of Parliament (MPs) represent your interests and concerns in the House of Commons.

MPs consider and can propose new laws as well as raising issues that matter to you in the House. This includes asking government ministers questions about current issues including those which affect local constituents.

MPs split their time between working in Parliament itself, working in the constituency that elected them and working for their political party.

Find out more about MPs

Mayor of London Borough of Tower Hamlets

Mayor of Tower Hamlets

The Mayor has oversight for the following services and activities that fall within the Mayor and Cabinet Member Portfolios – Decision Making powers are as set out in the Executive Scheme of Delegation in the Constitution

  • Strategy and performance
  • Co-ordination of policy development and implementation
  • Council transformation and continuous improvement
  • Emergency planning & business continuity
  • Strategic partnerships
  • Tower Hamlets strategic partnership and the Community Plan
  • Oversight of community building and asset policy
  • Oversight of relationships with external partners
  • Communications
  • Oversight of Budget strategy
  • Town Hall strategy
  • Regeneration strategy
  • Regeneration Board
  • Inequality

Find more about the mayor's role

London Borough of Tower Hamlets: Bethnal Green West ward

Local Councillors

There are three local Councillors representing you.

London Assembly

Mayor of London

The Mayor sets an overall vision for London. He has a duty to create plans and policies for the capital covering:

  • Arts & Culture
  • Business & Economy
  • Environment
  • Fire
  • Health
  • Housing and Land
  • Planning
  • Policing & Crime
  • Regeneration
  • Sport
  • Transport
  • Young People

Read more about what the Mayor of London does

Assembly Member for City and East

The Assembly holds the Mayor and Mayoral advisers to account by publicly examining policies and programmes through committee meetings, plenary sessions, site visits and investigations.

Eleven Assembly Members represent the whole capital and 14 are elected by constituencies

Read more about what the London Assembly

Assembly Members (additional)

Note: you may also have a parish, town or community council in your area. We're working on adding them to this page

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Find out about local government in your area